Thursday, April 29, 2010

calgary comic expo re cap

I can't let a week go by without writing something about the Calgary Comic Expo that took place last weekend, so I better do it now.

I was able to get some art signed by some amazing comic book artists while meeting them, Camilla d'erico, Pia Guerra (Y:The Last Man, my favorite comic), and Eric Powell (The Goon). Saw some celebrities, caught Brent Spiner taking some digs at Nimoy's retirement, and was pushed out of the way by Nimoy's body guards as they escorted him to his room.

The workshops were of course very constructive. I attended the independent comic panel, the character animation panel, the concept design panel, and the traditional painting panel, all of which I took something valuable away from.

The highlight for me was getting to talk to Marcelo Vignali and Iain McCaig, both really cool guys. Each of them asked to take a look at my sketchbook, which I appreciated as I don't know if I would have been able to muster up the courage to ask them on my own (it can be intimidating talking to these pros, though they couldn't have been more approachable). The advice they gave to me was invaluable, and just the opportunity to be able to talk to them one on one was not only pricelsess but highly motivational and inspirational. I am both blown away by their willingness to help and impressed by their positive outlook on life which comes through with every gesture they make when emphasizing a point, great stuff. I'm going to make sure if they are there next year that I will be prepared to show them my growth as an artist.

This could easily turn from a quick recap to a five page rambling summary so I will end it by saying the Comic Expo was a great success and made even better by taking it all in with some great friends. Can't wait for next year, when I hope to have more of a presence at the Comic Expo, just wish Calgary could have two a year.

Above: Marcelo Vignali looking at my sketchbook and allowing me the chance to tap into his wealth of knowledge. Iain McCaig showing me and buddy Sam his sketchbook along with some great advice. After talking to both it was easy to see why they made it to the top of the pack and remained there. I also chilled with R2D2 for a minute.

Big thanks to Ashley and Tobias for taking the photos used here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

post sans comic sans post

Thanks to everyone who, despite the blizzard, came out to Sans Comic Sans to make it a success. Over 175 people made it out to Untitled Art Society on Saturday night, which is pretty cool. All the artist's pieces were crazy!

Above are some more process shots for my painting as well as some photos from the event, curator Vicki Chau made the Sans Comic Sans image.

Here are my process steps:

1. First I did my drawing it was actually one from my sketchbook I did not originally do specifically for this event, but was one I wanted to expand on so this was the perfect opportunity.

2. I then did a color study on the computer to help me determine more of the direction it would take.

3. Painted in my background, added in some texture.

4. Used a projector to transfer my drawing onto my canvas.

5. Started painting.

6. Final outline and touch ups.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

latest painting: sans the comic sans

During the month of April I have been working on a painting for a show going on at The Untitled Art Society, called Sans Comic Sans.

Straight from the facebook event page here is its description:

"Sans Comic Sans is an exhibtion that showcases comic-inspired work by 20+ artists, challenging the stereotypes of comic book art. Taking the conventions of the comic medium, they deconstruct the idea of what a comic is and play with narrative, colour, panels and text. The artists come from a diverse range of practices, whether they are printmakers or photographers, painters or designers, they all come together to show their love for the sequential art form. There's definitely nothing "Comic Sans" about this show."
- Vicki Chau, Barewalls Coordinator

It was my friend Zoë, who is also in the show, who suggested I not make my initial drawing a print as that has been seen lots in relation to comic book characters. I agreed and instead chose to paint it, it is also my largest acrylic painting I have done so far (4' x 3').

Sans Comic Sans conveniently coincides with the Calgary Comic Expo, so I should be spending the weekend with lots of capes, artists, and friends, as well as spending a lot of my weekend....spending a lot....

Below are some process images for my contribution to Sans Comic Sans following the event info. I will leave the final image of my painting for my post-show write up. That way I can squeeze another post out of this event as well as encourage you to come on down and check it out. See you there!


Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ 12 - 4PM
Friday, April 23, 2010 @ 12 - 4PM

RECEPTION PARTY: Saturday, April 24, 2010 @ 7-11PM

Untitled Art Society
Fourth Floor, 319 - 10 Ave SW
Use back alley entrance

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my first few lines

my name's Jarett, I'm an illustrator. You can come here to see the documented progress of my ongoing work as well as read my thoughts.

So welcome to Finishing Lines!
Come see me work my way to the finishing lines on my projects, while I try to reach the finishing lines of my goals.