Wednesday, December 26, 2012
outlaws of ravenhurst gig poster
Here's my poster for Outlaws of Ravenhurst, who will be playing with Deluge on the 2nd at Costello's. They're a group that is a bit theatric, so it was fun to follow that narrative with an illustration. The facebook event can be viewed here.
Friday, December 21, 2012
2012 christmas card
Merry Christmas! If you see me this week, you might be getting a Christmas card....
....that looks like this:
I used to make an annual Christmas card, but ended up missing it the past couple of years, so this is my return to the greetings card game. I was really happy with how it turned out, and I had it printed on pearl silver stock paper, that adds a sparkling effect to the snow. I'll also be getting some larger prints made up with this design.
Your Christmas song of the day below:
Monday, December 17, 2012
won over nothing gig poster
A gig poster I made for a Won Over Nothing show. I have never seen them, but they describe themselves as sounding like Rage Against the Machine meets The Black Keys. They will be playing with Thunder Equals Lava and Rap X at Costello's on January 9th. Only $4 for 3 bands, so how can you go wrong?
Monday, December 10, 2012
december keepin it sleazy
Here's the illustration for the December issue of BeatRoute for the sex column. It's about sex in 2012, here's Todd Akin talking about "legitimate rape". Read the column here.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
december freq
For my monthly column, "Under the Covers" in Freq magazine, I interview Fools Gold Records art director Dust La Rock. He had just returned from his Lovely Sort of Death show in LA. We talk about his relationship with music and his personal artwork as well. You can read the interview here.
Also this December "It's the end of the world as we know it!" Read what we will each be listening to during the end of the world here. To make your end of the world listening party easier here are my 3 choices:
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
what can i do music video
Sally Shapiro - "What Can I Do" from stereogum on Vimeo.
At the end of the summer I was working on a music video for Swedish artist and resident Sally Shapiro who is on Canadian record label Paper Bag Records. It is my first time directing so was stoked to see it premier earlier this week on music blog heavy weight, Stereogum. You can also read my thoughts on the video's press release on some sites like Earbuddy. Also here are a couple nice reviews from Prefix magazine and Exclaim. Who say:
"The whimsical dreaminess of the song and the music video go together hand in hand."and
"...keep your eyes peeled for the triceratops in a separate spaceship. We have no idea how that guy is running the controls."
Here are some early sketches of what I thought the rocket could look like, I ended up going with the bottom left one.
"What Can I Do" is the first single from Sally Shapiro's upcoming album Somewhere Else, which will be released at the end of February 2013. She hasn't released a new album since 2009, so I'm really excited to hear what her and Johan Agebjörn will come up for this new offering. Check out the track list below:
01 “Prescript”
02 “I Dream With An Angel Tonight”
03 “All My Life”
04 “This City’s Local Italo Disco DJ Has A Crush On Me”
05 “What Can I Do”
06 “If It Doesn’t Rain”
07 “Sundown”
08 “Starman” (Feat. Electric Youth)
09 “Lives Together”
10 “Don’t Be Afraid” (Feat. Anoraak)
11 “Architectured Love” (Feat. Le Prix)
12 “Postscript”
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
doberman gig poster
Doberman and Shark Infested Daughters will be playing at Costello's on December 12th. Here's the poster I made for the event, really happy with how this one turned out!
Doberman features members from Kataplexis, Nosis, The Fallacy, and Breathe Knives, so should be one you don't want to miss!
A couple process shots below from after I decided on the concept/general composition.

Monday, November 26, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
costellos gig poster
Another gig poster for Costello's. Planning to turn this concept into a print soon as well.
Go check out Sean Hamilton, also known for his work in bands Jenny and Of Anchors, at Costello's on Dec. 5th. Also playing are Gayla Glimmer and Jhor Sept (I want to ask both of them if those are their real names too!). 3 musicians for $4 sounds pretty good!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
bday bash at costellos
Made this event poster for Costello's, head over there on the 28th to help Harvey Hinton celebrate his quarter century with his band Royal Ave. $5.25 pints, $4.75 Hiballs.
Head to the facebook event page for more info.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
string bridges new years show
String Bridges is set to play a New Years show at Union Station, and it's free!
Sounds like a great way to ring in 2013!
Above is the poster I made for event.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
UofL lecture recap
Last week Sam and I went down to Lethbridge to give a couple talks to the students within the New Media faculty. I don't think I've been back on campus since I graduated, it was pretty crazy seeing all the ways in which the UofL had changed, as well as the ways it seemed to have not changed at all.
Neither of us had really done any public speaking like that before and it went better than either of us expected I think. The first lecture was pretty sparse, but the second lecture in the afternoon, had over 60 people with all available seats taken and students seeming to be content with sitting on the floor and standing along the walls. Almost no one fell asleep :)
Both the students and faculty seemed to have a good time, and it was overall a great experience. Hopefully they will have us back again in the future!
november sex column
Here is this month's illustration for the monthly column Keepin' it Sleazy.
The article has to do with age differences within relationships, give it a read here, or pick up this months BeatRoute Magazine.
Your song of the day is Pink & Blue, listen to 3 Stacks try to seduce an older lady below.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
spaced out chalk drawing
Here's a chalk drawing I did for a project during the summer that unfortunately never fully panned out (always lots of those), thought I'd post it here anyways.
Your post related song of the day is Joanna Newsom with "Soft as Chalk".
Monday, November 5, 2012
egr interview
This month I had the great honor of interviewing renowned Toronto artist EGR for my Under the Covers column for Freq magazine. You can read my interview here, it's a good one!
Your song of the day is BrassMunk's El Dorado, which EGR handled music video art direction on!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
university of lethbridge presentaion
Friday, November 2, 2012
hot sauce
Earlier this week I posted the shirt design I made for CKXU.
This design was also used on a hot sauce bottle, in an alternate color scheme, seen above.
Roasted Habanero and Garlic is the flavor, sounds tasty!
Listen to "Say It" from Beastie Boys' album Hot Sauce Committee Part Two below:
Thursday, November 1, 2012
new business cards
I had new business cards printed up this week, which has been a long time coming.
They're two sided with black ink on brown recycled paper.
The front and back of the card:
Your song of the day is EPMD "Strictly Business"
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
happy halloween
Top 10 Hip Hop Halloween songs:
RJD2- The Horror
This was RJD2's first track off his official debut, Deadringer. Fitting to it's name it sounds like something that could be found on the soundtrack of a horror film (somebody get RJ to score a horror film).
Notorious BIG ft Lil Wayne- Lost Boys
All of the Night of the Living Dead mixtapes from Cookin Soul are incredible and sample horror movies throughout, flipping them really cleverly, but I feel like it would be cheating if I used them all to make up this list. Lil Wayne is a self proclaimed goblin that feels at home over these organs taken from this Lost Boys sample.
Arsonists- Halloween
Between the title of the song and the chorus it sort of makes the list by default.
Gravediggaz- Diary of a Madman
The Gravediggaz album 6 Feet Deep has been my go to album during Halloween for a while.
Snoop Dogg- Murda was the Case
Snoop before the Lion and in his prime, plus probably the song I hear the most about someone making a deal with the devil.
Kid Koala- Tricks n Treats
Possibly my favorite intro to a song, it's incredible what he does with that Charlie Brown sample.
Geto Boys- Mind Playing Tricks
Sometimes your mind can be your worst enemy, watch the video to see Bushwick Bill in his Halloween costume. "This year halloween fell on a weekend/Me and geto boyz are trick-or-treatin"
Eminem- 3am
Haven't really been a fan of Em's last few releases, but Slim Shady is in the drivers seat in this serial killer track, can't believe this track was able to get a high budget video.
Dr. Dre- Murder Ink
A song about murder that samples the theme from the horror film Halloween.
Cage- Among the Sleep
A horror song inspired by the film Dark City.
Honorable mentions:
The Herbaliser- Something Wicked
Those female vocals are kinda spooky don't you think? Not positive if it takes it's sample from the film, feel free to let me know.
Lupe Fiasco- The Cool
Lupe's protagonist digs his way out of his grave on this track, that his sophomore album takes it's name from. Lupe provides some clever social commentary in this story, before all the preachyness and cheesyness we've seen on his last couple of albums.
Paper Route Gangstaz- Woodgrain
Not any real Halloween theme, but they turned the Children of the Corn sample into a lazy beat that sound like it's sipped too much syrup.
Swamp Thing- Swamp Anthem
My buddy Adrian just put me on these guys today check out their album here.
Fugees- The Mask
It's a metaphor!
Ras kass- Interview with a Vampire
Should have made the list, but couldn't find this track anywhere online. If you can find it throw it in the comment section.
Have a safe and Happy Hip Hop Halloween.
UPDATE: someone suggested Monster, not sure how I missed that one.
Bonus picture of me fighting zombies.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
ckxu fundrive
Here is the shirt design I created for CKXU's annual Fundrive that took place last week.
When I attended the University of Lethbridge I had my own radio show for 4 years (a hip hop show that went by the name of The Underground Playground), which was an awesome time and great experience, so it was great to be involved with CKXU 88.3 FM again in some capacity.
Here is the process of this graphic, from some of the idea period and thumbnailing to flushing out the agreed upon idea to the finished product you see above.
If you're interested in picking up a shirt, I'm sure there are still some available!
CKXU Station
Thursday, October 18, 2012
tracks on tracks swag
Some of the Tracks on Tracks swag that got printed up pictured above.
You can read more about them on this previous post.
Take a peak at the teaser trailer JK put together about the whole experience below, looks like it's going to be something you won't want to miss!
Tracks on Tracks teaser from Green Couch on Vimeo.
terry radjaw interview
This month in Under the Covers I interviewed Gregory Smith aka Terry Radjaw of Mad Rad and Out For Stardom. Terry Radjaw created the album cover for Dark Time Sunshine’s new ANX album.
Read the interview on the Freq website here, and listen to a DTS track from the album below.
october sex column
Still illustrating the monthly sex column in Beatroute take a look at my drawing and give it a read here.
Your song of the day is Louis Logic with "Idiot Gear"
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
still here 15
Still Here 15
I haven't made a new comic since February! Been crazy busy, especially the past couple months, hopefully a couple of the big projects I've been working on will be released in the near future.
Still have a lot on the go, but I wanted to put out a comic before I gear up for my next project. Hoping to make more in the near future, and not wait so long, as I have a few ideas saved up that have been sitting on the back burners. Big thanks to the group of people who kept asking when the next "Still Here" was going to come out, not sure if it would have been out even this soon if not for you harassing me in the best way possible.
You can read all previous comics here.
Also I just noticed I have over 200 blog posts now, not too shabby!
Monday, October 15, 2012
kristina baumgartner interview
Last month I interviewed Kristina Baumgartner for my Under the Covers column in Freq.
Kristina created the wonderful album cover for Purity Ring's debut album "Shrines". You can read the interview on the Freq site here, if you missed getting a copy.
The above picture of Kristina was taken from her tumblr page which you can follow here, and take a look at more of her artwork there as well.
On a side note I was fortunate enough to see Purity Ring last month at Republik, and there show was incredible. If you get the chance to see them definitely go check it out. It was also a pleasure meeting them and Kristina at the show as well.
Watch the Purity Ring music video for "Belispeak" below.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
back to style
If you've been seeing my picture around Calgary lately it's not a doppelganger. During the summer I was selected to be a part of the "Back to Style" campaign Downtown Calgary put on during September, which is now wrapping up.
You can take a look at a short post about me on the downtown Calgary blog here.
UPDATE: Aldona taps into my style and shares some nice words about me here.
A couple gratuitous pictures of myself below that have been sent to me over the past month.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
keepin' it sleazy august and september
I've neglected to post the past Keepin' it Sleezys over the last couple of months, but I am still illustrating the sex column every month. Read them and see my illustrations in the links below:
September, about that book 50 Shades of Grey everyone has been talking about.
August, some weird sex related trivia.
September, about that book 50 Shades of Grey everyone has been talking about.
August, some weird sex related trivia.
Monday, September 17, 2012
suppliers album artwork
It's been a long time coming but The Suppliers released their first full length album this past Friday, and with it the album artwork I made.
The album is great by the way, so make sure to pick up a copy.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
oxfam's club night for a cause
Oxfam is a great organization, and one that I got involved with a bit at the beginning of the year. They focus on helping to abolish poverty and improve equality, and sustainability of communities, especially in Americas, the Horn of Africa, Southern Africa and South Asia areas.
Above is a poster I created for the "Club Night For A Cause" event, which will be held at Commonwealth on September 27th, all proceeds will be going towards Oxfam's work on the drought crisis in the Sahel region of West Africa.
If you're not able to attend, but are interested in being involved with Oxfam in the future take a look here or if you want to know when the next meeting for Oxfam Calgary is you can contact me and I will have you added to the mailing list. If you are just interested in hearing more about the organization take a look on the Oxfam Canada site here.
the suppliers shirts
Here are two new shirt designs for The Suppliers which I created graphics for. You will be able to pick up both shirts at Dicken's tomorrow at The Suppliers album release show.
Listen to The Suppliers today on CJSW 90.9 at 1PM, where they will be playing a few songs live.
Friday, September 7, 2012
niki & the dove review
I reviewed Niki & the Dove's debut full length "Instinct" this month for BeatRoute. Definitely an album to check out this fall.
Read the review on the BeatRoute site here.
And listen to a track of theirs below:
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
a savvy start
Here is my FFWD illustration for this week. A Calgary based program teaches students how to cook, something that would have probably saved me from my all starch diet in University (kraft dinner, ichiban, perogees, grilled cheese sandwich, repeat). With that said I learned how to make the best grilled cheese sandwiches on the block!
Read the article here.
your song of the day is "Food" below:
Read the article here.
your song of the day is "Food" below:
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