I have been really hard at work all week on an animation project, leaving me very little time to make a new comic. Yesterday afternoon I completed all the animation that was needed of me, and I was able to quickly put together a new "Still Here" for today (as I have been posting them every Tuesday). Then yesterday the tragic news came that Kim Kardashian was getting a divorce (I had only recently discovered she was married through a recent WTF podcast).
I found all the news around it very bizarre and sort of funny, so after a day filled with Kim Kardashian themed tweets, I decided I was going to make a Kardashian themed comic. I put my completed comic to the side, and spent last night making a new one. It can be awful when any relationship ends, especially a marriage, even when the wedding costs 10 million dollars, generated you 18 million dollars, and was very possibly just orchestrated for publicity. After all, even sham marriages have people that depend on them, publicists, tabloids, the people that read tabloids, etc. So I thought I would look at Ms. Kardashian's latest tweet on her twitter feed, fearful that it may humanize her and I would scrap the whole thing completely. Luckily it was a comment celebrating the opening of her new store: "Kardashian Khaos has arrived!". Indeed.